

Photos by Nobuo Iseki, Azusa Adachi / Words by Nobuo Iseki

藤井雪凛は唯一無二の存在感を放つ。個性あふれるファッションと巨大なトランジションに挑む彼女の姿は、見る者に強烈な印象を与える。Creature への加入、高校卒業、鼻や膝の負傷など…。話題に事欠かない彼女の近況に迫る。
Yurin Fujii stands out with a one-of-a-kind presence. Her unique fashion sense and fearless approach to massive transitions leave a lasting impression on anyone who watches. From officially joining Creature skateboards and graduating high school to battling injuries to her nose and knees… we’re diving into the life of this skater who’s never short on news.

Frontside Feeble @Devil sox  Photo by Azusa Adachi
Frontside Feeble @Devil sox Photo by Azusa Adachi 2024-03-13

——You graduated from high school this year. How would you describe your high school life in one word?

Kind of like a NEET, but not quite.

——What year did you start skating?

——2018. This year (2024) marks six years.

——The first year you tried an elevator drop?

Also in 2018.

Boneless @Kanagawa
Boneless @Kanagawa 2023-10-05

——What got you into skateboarding?

Some friends from my hometown invited me to the Kugenuma Skate Park. After that, I started going there every day after school.

——What’s your motto?

“Don’t just live, live good.” It’s a phrase I inherited from my mom a few years back.

Frontside indy air nosebone @Grind land
Frontside indy air nosebone @Grind land 2023-10-05

——Any app you're currently into?


——Did you have a specific method for practicing the Mc twist?

Honestly, it was super tough for me… Originally, Kento Sasaoka taught me the 540, and that eventually evolved into what I do now.

Crail railslide @Copenhagen
Crail railslide @Copenhagen 2023-06-16

——How did you start getting support from Creature Skateboards?

Krux trucksにいた頃、チームマネージャーだったAlex Whiteに声をかけて貰ったのがきっかけです。
When I was with Krux Trucks, Alex White, who was the team manager at the time, reached out to me, and that’s how it all started.

——Any trick you're currently working on?

Backside smith。

——Do you have any advice for people balancing school life and skating, like you were until this spring?

Travel as much as you can, meet lots of people, and just have fun skating!

Slappy crooks @Noda skate park, Chiba
Slappy crooks @Noda skate park, Chiba 2023-12-25

——You often participate in contests or events right after long trips. Do you have any tips for adjusting to the local scene after you arrive?

I don’t have anything specific—I'm not that sensitive to adjustments, so I just try to adapt to the local vibes and skate as I can lol.

——We heard you had an issue with the skin on your knee… what happened?

I kept skating even though my injury hadn’t fully healed, and the wound kept reopening until the skin kind of went numb lol.

——A message to yourself ten years from now?

I hope you’ve traveled around the world with your skateboard and made friends in all kinds of countries!

Lien to tail @CPH OPEN 2024, Athen Greece
Lien to tail @CPH OPEN 2024, Athen Greece

——What’s next for you?

アメリカ以外にも色々な国へ行きたいし、、とにかくかっこいいスケートビデオを撮ってもらえるように頑張ります!! で、色々広がっていけばいいなと思っています。
I want to visit more countries besides the U.S., and my goal is to shoot some sick skate videos. I just hope my network keeps expanding!

どうもありがとう! 最後にオススメのスケートビデオを教えてください。

Thanks! Lastly, can you share some of your recommended skate videos?


Yurin Fujii for Creature Skateboards | Creature Skateboards

Nike SB Oski & friends Bit about sharks skate

adidas skateboading Presents /// Shin Sanbongi

Gap to lien to tail @Deth bowl, Annaka gunma
Gap to lien to tail @Deth bowl, Annaka gunma 2023-11-26


Photo & words by Nobuo Iseki, iPhone photo by Daiki Hoshino

実は、次のPANCAKE本誌で星野大喜のインタビューを企画しています。そのため大喜とメッセージのやり取りをしているのですが、とにかく他の撮影やイベントやデモに引っぱりだこの大喜なので中々予定を合わせられず….。というわけで今年初めに行われたHUF JAPAN TOUR MELTDOWNでの写真を振り返りつつ、彼に近況を尋ねてみました。
We’re actually planning to feature an interview with Daiki Hoshino in either the third or fourth issue of our magazine, set to release in 2025. I’ve been messaging back and forth with Daiki to set it up, but he’s in such high demand with events and demos that it’s been tough to nail down a time. So, in the meantime, I caught up with him to see what he’s been up to, while also taking a look back at some shots from the HUF JAPAN TOUR MELTDOWN earlier this year.

At Meltdown demo in Tokyo.
At Meltdown demo in Tokyo.

----Hey Daiki! Are you on a tour right now?

I just got back from Tohoku and I’m chilling in Gunma at the moment. But I’m gearing up for the Vans tour next month!


----You’re the first Japanese skater to become a global rider for HUF. How did that happen?

中学生(13歳?)の時にONEPARK(宮城県石巻市)のヒデさんと、地元のショップFAMILYがきっかけでHUFを知りました。その後、石巻や、スペインのバルセロナに連れて行ってもらった時にヒデさんが僕のスケートを撮影・編集してくれてスポンサー・ミービデオを作ってくれました。それを「HUFに送ってみる?」ってなって俺のことをHUFに推してくれました。それがきっかけでHUFからシューズとかアパレルを送ってもらえるようになりました。その後、HUFのJAPANツアーが14歳の時にあって、一緒に回りたくて HUF JAPAN にお願いしたら、USのチームマネージャー Tyler に話してくれて、一緒に回らせてもらえることになりました。そこから Tyler と繋がってアメリカに行くようになって一緒にスケートしたり遊んだりしてるうちにツアーに呼んでもらえるようになりました。もちろん HUF JAPAN のみんなが俺のことをプッシュしてくれたって言うのもめちゃめちゃ大きくて、自分の力でもあるのかもしれないけど、自分の場合は本当にONEPARKのヒデさんだったり HUF JAPAN、他にも色んな人のサポートがあってチームに加入出来ました。
 I first heard about HUF when I was in middle school, around 13 years old, thanks to Hide-san from ONEPARK in Ishinomaki, Miyagi, and the local shop FAMILY. After that, Hide-san took me to places like Ishinomaki and even Barcelona, Spain, where he filmed and edited my skating for a sponsor-me video. He was like, “Wanna send this to HUF?” and pushed for me to get noticed by them. That’s how I started getting shoes and apparel from HUF. When I was 14, HUF had a Japan tour, and I really wanted to join, so I asked HUF Japan, and they talked to Tyler, the US team manager. They let me tag along on the tour. That’s when I connected with Tyler and started going to the States, skating and hanging out with team riders. Eventually, I got invited on more tours. Of course, the support from everyone at HUF Japan was huge. It’s not just about my own efforts—it’s thanks to people like Hide-san from ONEPARK, HUF JAPAN, and so many others that I was able to join the team.

Back smith...before kickflip out.
Back smith...before kickflip out.


----Who’s the rider you’re closest with on the team?

HUFのチームはみんな優しくて、仲良くしてますね笑。LAに行ったときは Erikとか Mason、Samと滑ったり、NYに行ったら Rizzo とか Salomon、Calebと滑ったりします。JAPAN TOUR MELTDOWNでCyrus とも仲良くなったので、今度NYに行ったら Cyrus ともストリートに行きたいです。
The HUF crew is super nice, we all get along really well, lol. When I’m in LA, I skate with Erik, Mason, and Sam, and in NY, I hang with Rizzo, Salomon, and Caleb. I also became closer with Cyrus on the JAPAN TOUR MELTDOWN, so I want to hit the streets with him next time I’m in NY.

Gap to noseblunt slide
Gap to noseblunt slide

----What’s your relationship like with the other riders on the team?

みんな兄貴って感じで、優しくしてくれます。JAPAN TOUR MELTDOWNで沖縄に行った時はめっちゃイジられて、たまにオモチャになる時もありました笑。でもみんな最高で、まさにスケート地獄でしたね笑。俺もみんなに負けないくらいカマしてSOTYを獲りたいです!
They’re like big brothers to me; they always look out for me. During JAPAN TOUR MELTDOWN, they teased me a lot, and I sometimes end up being their plaything, haha. But they’re all awesome, and it’s like skate hell lol. I’m determined to keep up with them and snag SOTY one day!

Crew shot.
Crew shot.

----JAPAN TOUR MELTDOWNで一番ウケる思い出はありますか?
----What’s the funniest memory you’ve got?

Every day was so much fun, it’s hard to pick just one, but the group purikura (photo booth) session we did was pretty hilarious, lol.

----What’s your craziest memory from JAPAN TOUR MELTDOWN?

Getting pranked by everyone and downing five Smirnoff shots in one day, haha. The sugar hit harder than the alcohol, it was nuts, lol.

Salomon Caldenas, Erik Herrera.....and Sminoff.  / Photo by Daiki
Salomon Caldenas, Erik Herrera.....and Sminoff. / Photo by Daiki
Mason Silva, Filmer: Tyler Smolinski, Daiki, Salomon on Mario Cart. / Photo by Daiki
Mason Silva, Filmer: Tyler Smolinski, Daiki, Salomon on Mario Cart. / Photo by Daiki
TM: Tyler Cichy, Erik, Daiki, Dick Rizzo  / Photo by Daiki
TM: Tyler Cichy, Erik, Daiki, Dick Rizzo / Photo by Daiki
Remember, this is Daiki Hoshino.
Remember, this is Daiki Hoshino.

JAPAN TOUR MELTDOWN に参加した後、何か良い変化はありましたか?
Did anything change for you after JAPAN TOUR MELTDOWN ?

After the HUF tour, I feel like I’ve gotten even closer to everyone on the team. It was a tour where I grew a lot, both in my skating and mindset!


What’s next for you, Daiki?

In September, I’m hitting up the Vans Asia tour to Thailand and Bhutan. In October, I’ll be joining the Thrasher tour, and I’m ready to go all out. And most importantly…I’m planning to drop a part with HUF by the end of the year!

And there you have it—it looks like he’s staying as busy as ever. Will we be able to pull off the full article? Stay tuned to find out!

An online skateboard zine by Nobuo Iseki.
Go to shop: nobuoiseki.thebase.in

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