interview with LENA SUNASAWA


photo and words by Azusa Adachi

A skater who has a cool push is undeniably stylish. Lena Sunasawa has it. So, we asked her various things.

----What was the trigger for starting skateboarding?

校を卒業する頃にマモミ(Magical Mosh Misfits)の服が好きでよく着てたんですけど、青森の街で偶然マモミのライダーの矢野さんとクニさん(@yanomochi  @slvr_92)が通りがかって、まつりんぐパークという冬限定のスケートパークを教えてもらったんです。行ってみたら「スケボーかっけえ…!」って衝撃を受けたんです。その日まで青森にスケーターがいるのも、パークがあるのも知らなかったです。当時は学生だったのでお金がなく、人からデッキを借りて滑ってました。でも、ある日、女性スケーターのあやみずさん(@25082506a)が、使っていたコンプリートデッキを突然プレゼントしてくれたんです。すごくありがたくて、その日からスケートのことで頭がいっぱいになりました。まつりんぐパークは、毎年冬になるとHSA(八戸スケートボード愛好会)の皆さんが、仕事終わりに集まってセクションを1からコツコツ組み立てて作ってくれていました。元々は三社大祭という八戸市で開催されるお祭りの山車小屋を3ヶ月限定で間借りしていたこともあり、オープン期間が終わったら全部バラバラに戻さなければいけませんでした。私も少しだけお手伝いしたんですが、すごく根気のいる作業で...。HSAの皆さんがあの寒い中でパーク作りをしてくれたおかげで、私はスケートボードや仲間に出会うことができたので感謝でしかないです。
Around the time of high school graduation, I liked wearing clothes from Magical Mosh Misfits (MAMOMI). I often wore their clothes. One day in Aomori city, I happened to meet MAMOMI riders Yano-san(@yanomochi) and Kuni-san (@slvr_92) by chance, and they told me about Matsuring Park, a winter-only skate park. When I actually went there, I was shocked. I thought "How skateboarding is cool...!"  I didn't know there were skaters and skate parks in Aomori until that day. As a student at that time, I didn't have money, so I borrowed a skateboard from someone and skated with. However, a female skater Ayamizu (@25082506a) suddenly gave me the complete board. I was very grateful. From that day on, my head was filled with thoughts about skateboarding. Matsuring Park has been built from scratch every winter by members of I (Hachinohe Skateboard Assosiation) after work. Originally, they borrowed a part of garage for the Hachinohe City festival called Sansha Taikai, and it had a limited three-month opening. After the period ended, everything had to be disassembled. I helped a little, but it was a very patient task. Thanks to everyone at I, I met skateboarding and friends in the park, so I can only express my gratitude. I’m so thanksfull.

----What brought you Iwate and Tokyo, from your hometown Aomori?

While skateboarding in Aomori, I heard about an interesting park called dprtment (@dprtmentsp) in Hanamaki City, Iwate. I went there and they hooked me up for a shop-rider for dprtment, so I moved to Iwate. I lived there while working at a ryokan (Japanese traditional hotel ) and a factory, and I had the opportunity to run a girls-only skate school. The park is located in the basement of a department store called Marukan Building and is very fun skate-park that never gets you boring. I highly recommend it to those who go to Iwate. I also love the Napoli-Katsu and Pudding-Parfait at the Marukan Building cafeteria. When I came to Tokyo to visit my friends from Aomori, I met Hans (@hansyklein), a filmer, and he offered me to film my video part. That’s why I decided to move to Tokyo. However, life in Tokyo is so tough to me. Commuting by train is crazy hard. And when I was at home with the windows open and I was voyeuristically photographed. And standing in line at an ATM, I was offerd for suspicious massage jobs. It’s hard to let me guard down... But for skateboarding, there are many places to skate, and there are many friends, so it’s fun. Above all, it’s not as cold as Tohoku! I got too used to the slow life in Tohoku, and one year feels like about six months in Tokyo.

ride on layback tailslide, Tokyo
ride on layback tailslide, Tokyo

----Have you been influenced by anyone with your skateboarding ?

スケートを始めた時、まつりんぐパークにいたグリコ(@g1ico)さんというスケーターが私の憧れでした。青森ではアールばかりやっていたので三本木心(@shin_sanbongi)さんの波に乗っているようなスケートをよく見ていました。あと少し前にスケートを楽しめない時期があったんですけど『TIME SCAN 2』(@timescan)に出てくる宮城豪(@g0umiyagi)さんのパートを見てからはスケートを始めた頃のシンプルな感情を思い出させてくれる感じがして、全部吹っ切れました。海外のスケーターではVIOLETのEfron Danzig(@3fron)とPALACEのVille Wester(@villewester)が格好良くて好きですね。
When I started skating, Glico (@g1ico) at Matsuring Park was my idol. In Aomori, I mainly did ramps, so I often watched Shin Sanbongi's (@shin_sanbongi) skate video like riding the wave. There was a period when I couldn't enjoy skateboarding a little while ago, but when I saw Gou Miyagi (@g0umiyagi)’s video part in “Time Scan 2” (@timescan), it changed my mind completely. It reminded me of the simple emotions I had when I started skateboarding. Among overseas skaters, I like VIOLET's Efron Danzig (@3fron) and PALACE's Ville Wester (@villewester) because they're cool for me.

----Do you have a favorite trick?


I care more about the form of the trick than the trick itself.

----What moments do you find enjoyable when skateboarding?

When I've realized my ideal form. The moments of sharing joy with friends. I also like the feeling of chill after skating. Although I skate with various people regardless of gender, I feel more at ease moving around with guys when shooting on the street. They seem to be well-versed in good spots and how to handle security. Also, they are skilled at filming.

----What was the first skate video that hooked you?

adidasの『3rd Base』 です。演出にユーモアがあって好きです。
"3rd Base" by adidas skateboarding. I like the humor in the video.

slappy backside 50-50, Tokyo
slappy backside 50-50, Tokyo

----What do you do when you're not skateboarding?

I have part-time jobs at a cafee and an Italian's kitchen in Nagatacho. On holidays, I skate at Koganei Park or Otemachi street. Or, going out with my friends. I also enjoy movies, anime, books, and music lives. I make accessories with beads. And, without realizing it, I might be observing people.

----Do you have some unique method to relax?

I might not have had time to relax recently. When I have time, I like to burn incense in a tidy room and relax. Also, I feel calm in places with a lot of nature.

----Quick review of the last movie you watched?

"Last Night in Soho." The 60s British atmosphere is visually enjoyable, and as it approaches the end, it becomes a stomach-churning horror mystery. Anya Taylor-Joy, who plays Sandy, is so cute really.

drop in, Tokyo
drop in, Tokyo

----I was curious about the accessories you wear.

東京に来て店を廻ったりしたんですが、意外と欲しいものって売ってなくて。だから自分で作っちゃおうと思って、ビーズでネックレスやブレスレット、チャームを作るようになりました。ブランド名は PEAZE(ピーズ)。PEACEとビーズとニックネームの PEZ をかけました。私は争いごととか苦手な平和主義なので、もらった人が PEACE になってくれればいいなと思い作っています。インスタでオーダーを呼びかけてみたら思いのほか欲しいと言ってくれる人がいて嬉しかったです。アウトドア派なので家で制作する時間が少なく完成まで時間がかかることもあるんですが、もの作りは好きなのでこれからも続けていきたいです。
When I came to Tokyo and went around the shops, surprisingly, the things I wanted weren't available. So, I decided to make them myself and started creating necklaces, bracelets, and charms with beads. The brand name is PEAZE. It combines PEACE, BEADS, and my nickname PEZ. I'm not good at conflict, and I'm a peace-loving person, so I hope the recipients become peacefulll. When I called for orders on Instagram, surprisingly, some people said they wanted them, and it made me happy. I'm an outdoor person, so I don't have much time to create at home, and it takes time to complete, but I love making things, so I want to continue.

----Finally, do you have any goals or aspirations for the future?

I have various personal goals, but I feel like mentioning them will constrain me, so I'll keep them a secret here. Apart from that, I also like shooting and editing videos, so I want to push my friends' skating through videos. If I can't skate anymore, I would consider returning to being a childcare worker and doing a job that helps the children in the facility.

right: slappy backside 5-0, Tokyo
right: slappy backside 5-0, Tokyo


Lena Sunasawa 砂沢 玲菜(@pez_o7)

born in 1997. Aomori Japan.

Check Lena’s part (16:50〜) in a homie video ”Shout Out To My Life” by Hans Klein

@poeticcollective by @bigwing_dist (flow)

backside boardslide transfer, Nakano Tokyo
backside boardslide transfer, Nakano Tokyo


山下京之助の最新パート、PRIMITIVEによる DAYDREAM(2024年2月)から早数ヶ月。Filipe Mota、Dylan Jaebらと並ぶ
It's been a few months since Kyonosuke Yamashita's latest part in PRIMITIVE's ”DAYDREAM” (February 2024). We catch up with Kyonosuke, who delivered an amazing part alongside Filipe Mota and Dylan Jaeb, to hear about the behind-the-scenes of the shoot.

-----How long did it take to film your part in Daydream?

Kyonosuke(以下K): 大体1年半くらいかかりました! 

K: It took about a year and a half!


-----How many cities did you visit to film the part?

K: 全部で5カ国で撮影しました!ポルトガルのリスボン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スイスのチューリッヒ、アメリカのLAとサクラメント、そして東京です。期間中にEUツアーが3回あったのでEUの映像が多めでしたね。あと、フィルマーのEric(Iwakura)は日本に縁があることもあって、何度も日本に来てくれました。

K: We filmed in five countries in total! Lisbon in Portugal, Oslo in Norway, Zurich in Switzerland, LA and Sacramento in the USA, and Tokyo. We had three EU tours during this time, so there’s a lot of EU footage. Also, our filmer Eric (Iwakura) has a lot of connections in Japan, so he came over several times.

-----共演しているスケーターは、Filipe Mota、Dylan Jaeb、+ PRIMITIVEの錚々たるメンツでした。
----- You skated with Filipe Mota, Dylan Jaeb, and other Primitive legends. How did you manage to stand out and show your own style?

K: Filipeはハンドレールがめっちゃ得意でガンガンにハンマー系で、Dylanはテクニカルなレッジとかマニュアル、ステアが半端ない。自分は2人がやらないようなスポットとかトリックができたらいいなと思って撮影してました。
K: Filipe is great on handrails and goes hard with hammer tricks. Dylan is amazing with technical ledges, manuals, and stairs. I tried to film at spots and do tricks that they wouldn’t, to show my own style.

-----Any tips for coming up with trick and line ideas?

K: 見てて気持ちいいなと思う流れを意識してるかもしれません。あとはラインで入ってたらかっこいいなと思うトリックとか、誰もやらなそうなスポットの使い方を考えてます。
K: I try to create a flow that feels good to watch. I also think about tricks that would look cool in a line, and ways to use spots that no one else might think of.

-----ラストトリックのSwitch backside heelは3回通ったね…!

-----You went back three times for the last trick, the switch backside heel, right?

K: はい、3回通いました。最初フィルマーのAnthony (Claravall)が日本にいる間にパートのラストトリック撮ろうって話してて、じゃあ麻布のステアはどうって話になってトライしに行きました。1回目、2回目は2時間くらいトライしたんですけどキックアウトされて乗れなくて3回目行く前にAnthonyが帰っちゃったんですよ。それで3回目はカメキョウくんにお願いして、人通りを見てもらうためにルームメイトのオナブとガクにも来てもらいました。でも1時間くらいやったらキックアウトされて、一旦スポットを離れてもう一回リベンジして、1時間くらいトライしてメイクできました。夜中に一緒に撮影に来てくれたみんなと3回とも来て写真を撮ってくれた井関さんには感謝しかないです。

K: Yeah, three times. At first, filmer Anthony (Claravall) was in Japan, and we planned to shoot the last trick while he was here. We decided on the stairs in Azabu. The first and second times, I tried for about two hours but got kicked out both times. Anthony had to leave before the third attempt, so I asked Kamekyo to film it. My roommates Onabu and Gaku also came to watch out for people. We got kicked out after about an hour, left for a bit, then came back and tried again for an hour before landing it. I'm super grateful to everyone who came out to shoot with me and to Iseki-san, who shot photos all three times.

switch backside heelflip / Last trick fo Kyonosuke's part
switch backside heelflip / Last trick fo Kyonosuke's part

-----Any funny stories about filming the last trick and living with your roommates?

K: 最近は騒ぎすぎて家に警察が2回来ました。他にもいっぱいあるんですけどここでは言えないです笑。
K: Recently, we made so much noise that the police came to our house twice. There are a lot more stories, but I can't really talk about them here, haha.

-----What are your plans for 2024 and 2025?

K: 今年の夏にErasedでフルレングスを出す予定です。あとはナオヤンの作品のためにめっちゃ動いてます!
K: We're planning to release a full-length video with Erased this summer. I'm also working a lot on Naoyan's project!

Ollie into bank, kickflip
Ollie into bank, kickflip

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