chat with JOAQUIM BAYLE about "PRECIOUS" video




Carhartt WIPからウェブリリースされたビデオ 「PRECIOUS」 。ディレクターを務めるのは、パリ在住のJoaquim bayle(ジョアキム・ベイル)。かつて日本にも訪れ、フィルマーとして活動した彼の現在と哲学に迫る。

The video "PRECIOUS" released on the web by CARHARTT WIP. Directed by Joaquim Bayle, based in Paris. He once visited Japan 10 years ago and shot skate film. Let's explore his activities and philosophy he has now.

Joaquim Bayle / 2014 Tokyo, photo by Nobuo Iseki
Joaquim Bayle / 2014 Tokyo, photo by Nobuo Iseki


ジョアキム、久しぶり! 2014年のOCTAGON Tokyoツアー以来だね。







友達とビデオ制作を続けてしばらくした後、スケートボード業界の仕事に就いたんだ。スケートボードの企画を手掛けているいくつかのブランド向けのビデオ制作ね。2015年頃だったかな、同時期にÖctagon っていう独自プロジェクトを実施したんだけど、それがのちに一つのブランドになったんだ。
そしてある時、自分が表現したい感動や興奮がスケートボードという枠の中だけだと狭すぎると感じるようになって、それと関係のある仕事を全て辞めて、生計を立てるためにCMの監督業に専念したんだ。当時パリに引っ越したばっかりの時だった。いろいろな分野に触れて、独創的な人たちと一緒に仕事したかったんだ。その時は様々な仕事を経験できたし、たくさんトリートメント(概要や構想)も書いたし、スケートボードカルチャーという枠の外で、全体的に幅広い作品を作ることができたんだ。CMの監督業から離れて、談話形式のプロジェクトを手掛けるようになって、「Gwendoline」と「A step aside」という短編映画を2本を制作したんだ。

Riley Pavey/ kickflip 50-50
Riley Pavey/ kickflip 50-50


Hey Joaquim! Long time no see. It's been since the OCTAGON Tokyo tour in 2014.


Hey Iseki ! How are you ? Is Pancake your own mag ? Congrats on that !


Thanks man! For readers who might not know about you yet, could you give a brief introduction?


I'm  33 and came from the north of France and I grew up with skateboarding and did that pretty much till 2018-19. My sensibility for the moving images came with the skateboarding culture with the idea to express emotions through making videos with my group of friends. Perhaps it was defining ourselves, our identity through that medium, of course all of that unconsciously.  

After some time continuing to film with my friends I ended up working in the skate industry, making videos for brands which had skateboarding programs and in the same time around 2015 I also did a personal project called Öctagon which eventually became a brand.
Then at some point skateboarding felt too narrow to me to express other emotions and I stopped everything related to it and I was just focusing on directing commercials for a living. I just moved to Paris at that time. I wanted to touch different subjects, work with creatives. During that time I experienced various works, writing a lot of treatments, creating a full scope of work outside the skateboarding culture. From directing commercials I moved on to work on narrative projects and I made two short films “Gwendoline” and “A step aside”.

Ebou Sanyang/ 50-50 up
Ebou Sanyang/ 50-50 up
LEFT: Noah Mahieu /  RIGHT: Josh Pall
LEFT: Noah Mahieu / RIGHT: Josh Pall




以前2本のフルビデオ製作に関わったことがあるよ。1本目はまだ僕が若かったころに製作した地元のスケートショップのビデオで、2本目は前にもやったことがあるんだけどCarhartt Wipの「Inside Out」だった。


PRECIOUSビデオの根底にはどんなコンセプトがあるの? クリエイターとしてこれは伝えたいという点があれば教えて。




Willow Voges Fernandes/  crooked 50-50
Willow Voges Fernandes/ crooked 50-50


How many full videos have you worked on before?


Previously, I think about 2 full videos, the first one was for a local skateshop when I was younger, the second one was Inside Out for Carhartt WIP again.


What's the concept behind the Precious video? Any particular highlight as the creator?


I was trying to stay far away from a “concept” or an ”aesthetic”.

I'am rather trying to approach this skate video with my personnel filter and I preferred to have an intention as a starting point and work around different fragments which come between a flow of tricks and slowly explores underneath the surface, through the use of spoken words and poetry, a variation of feelings around the practice and the original spirit of the skateboarding culture. 

The spirit that I am pointing at is what - in my opinion - is the most precious to skateboarding culture.

It is that "unsuitable” aspect that defines you as a skateboarder from the rest,

a precious thing that allows access to a form of emancipation from the conventions present in society.

The film is basically a loop, a dive to bring out a forgotten spirit, nothing really changed, only a better understanding inside myself but the duality remains here and will continue to be.

LEFT: Willow Voges Fernandes/ RIGHT: Ebou Sanyang
LEFT: Willow Voges Fernandes/ RIGHT: Ebou Sanyang


Carhartt WIPとのパートナーシップについて話を聞かせてよ。どんなところが特別なの?


若い頃Carhartt WIPの店で働いていたことがあって、当時彼らのスケートボードに対する方向性に強く共感していたんだ。かなり芸術的で、他の大手のアパレルブランドにも匹敵してたからね。その数年後に僕は彼らのキャンペーンの指揮監督を担当したんだ。だから彼らのスケートボードの新たな一章に関わることができたのは、至極当然のことのように思えたんだ。

Ebou Sanyang / kickflip
Ebou Sanyang / kickflip


Can you tell us about the partnership with Carhartt WIP. What makes it special?


I used to work in the Carhartt wip store when I was younger and I was a big fan of the direction they had in skateboarding back then, it was quite artistic and on the margin of other big clothing brands.  A few years later I directed campaigns for them, so working on their new skateboarding chapter felt quite organic to me.

Joaquim Bayle / 2024  Shooting on a short film
Joaquim Bayle / 2024 Shooting on a short film



Do you know Takeshi Kageyama.?

He oftenly show us his trandition skill and crazy facial expressions in Cph open 2022 and 2023.

This time, I ask some questions for understanding him more.


2022年、2023年のCPH OPEN では、そのトランジションテクニックとクレイジーな表情をたびたび見せてくれました。



TAKESHI KAGEYAMA, FRONTSIDE 5-0, CPH OPEN  2022 / The attention Takeshi gets, the better his moves. 注目されればされるほど、タケシの動きは良くなる。
TAKESHI KAGEYAMA, FRONTSIDE 5-0, CPH OPEN 2022 / The attention Takeshi gets, the better his moves. 注目されればされるほど、タケシの動きは良くなる。 2022-06-16


Good morning Takshi!

I want to make an article using your photos I shot in CPH Open,

Can you answer some questions on this chat room?





Maido!! It's okay! Please!


FRONTSIDE INDY AIR, CPH OPEN 2022/ Combed-back hair Samurai. Takeshi, his name has another means Samurai in Japanese kanji.  武士=侍。オールバック侍。
FRONTSIDE INDY AIR, CPH OPEN 2022/ Combed-back hair Samurai. Takeshi, his name has another means Samurai in Japanese kanji. 武士=侍。オールバック侍。 2022-06-15


Where do you living in? / 今はどこに住んでるの?


Osaka. /大阪です。


I saw that you started skate in 2011 at the age of 11,

what made you start skate?/ 2011年、11歳でスケートを始めたようなんだけど、 きっかけは何だったの?


In reallty, I started skating before 11 years old so chill.

2011, New indoor skate-park called Fuzenna was build in my neibor.
It's the biggest hook for starting skate so hard. It's just 3 minuite away fro my home, so I really got into skate like every day.
Fuznna was closed few years later...




Takeshi in his childhood deciding to do a front grind in the FUZENNA bowl./ FUZENNAボウルでフロントグラインドを決める幼き日のタケシ。
Takeshi in his childhood deciding to do a front grind in the FUZENNA bowl./ FUZENNAボウルでフロントグラインドを決める幼き日のタケシ。
Backside grind. A photo that exudes the DIY spirit of FUZZENA Park. Takeshi naturally blends in this situation. / バックサイドグラインド。FUZZENAパークのDIYスピリッツが滲み出るような一枚。その状況に自然と溶け込むタケシ。
Backside grind. A photo that exudes the DIY spirit of FUZZENA Park. Takeshi naturally blends in this situation. / バックサイドグラインド。FUZZENAパークのDIYスピリッツが滲み出るような一枚。その状況に自然と溶け込むタケシ。
Rockn'roll. These photos of past skaters themselves are a great way to look back on their own roots. What they were wearing, who they were skating with, and where they skated. Do you have any photos like this?/ ロックンロールと仲間たち。こういった過去のスケーター自身の写真は、当時の服装やスケート仲間やスポットについて振り返る素晴らしい材料になる。あなたにも、こういった写真があるのではないでしょうか?
Rockn'roll. These photos of past skaters themselves are a great way to look back on their own roots. What they were wearing, who they were skating with, and where they skated. Do you have any photos like this?/ ロックンロールと仲間たち。こういった過去のスケーター自身の写真は、当時の服装やスケート仲間やスポットについて振り返る素晴らしい材料になる。あなたにも、こういった写真があるのではないでしょうか?


What's your first favorite skate video?/ 初めてハマったスケートビデオは?


I remember not so much....I everyday watched "Halloween hellride" from Thrasher on Youtube. Also Strange note too. / よく覚えてないけど...昔YoutubeでThrasherのHalloween hellrideってビデオを毎日観てました

あとstrange noteのDVDとか。


Do you have girlfriend or some partner now?/ 今カノジョ(パートナー)は居ますか?


Nope!/ いないです!

HAND PLANT in CPH OPEN 2023/ Shot from "One upenhagen open" event. Did you see Takeshi show?/ Cph open内 Oneupenhagen openイベントにて。君はタケシショーを見ましたか?
HAND PLANT in CPH OPEN 2023/ Shot from "One upenhagen open" event. Did you see Takeshi show?/ Cph open内 Oneupenhagen openイベントにて。君はタケシショーを見ましたか? 2023-06-13
Detail: Light and shades shapes Takeshi's face like a portrait.Even red pant and blue sky goes to just a background./ 光と影がタケシのツラを形作る。赤いパンツと青い空さえ、ただの背景に。
Detail: Light and shades shapes Takeshi's face like a portrait.Even red pant and blue sky goes to just a background./ 光と影がタケシのツラを形作る。赤いパンツと青い空さえ、ただの背景に。 2023-06-13
Detail: Audience. I would love to  drink watching this crazy show...!/ オーディエンス。私はこのクレイジーなショーを肴に呑みたいです。
Detail: Audience. I would love to drink watching this crazy show...!/ オーディエンス。私はこのクレイジーなショーを肴に呑みたいです。 2023-09-25
Detail: Photographer takes a photo not beer...Joy and sorrow of photographer life. Eos 60D./  フォトグラファーはビールではなく写真をとる。哀愁...。Eos 60D。
Detail: Photographer takes a photo not beer...Joy and sorrow of photographer life. Eos 60D./ フォトグラファーはビールではなく写真をとる。哀愁...。Eos 60D。 2023-06-13
Takashi waits his attack.The face. / アプローチを待ち構えるタケシ。この顔よ。
Takashi waits his attack.The face. / アプローチを待ち構えるタケシ。この顔よ。 2023-06-13


Why do you think you became so good at transitions?/ なぜトランジションを得意になったと思う?


It's all because of friends builed the environment. I started skate at FUZZENNA. After it was gone, WOODS Skatepark was build soon. They changed to skateshop now./ 環境を作ってくれた人たちのおかげです。FUZZENNAでスケートを始めたのと、それがなくなった後、すぐにWOODSのパークが出来たから。WOODSは今スケートショップになっています。

MADONNA AIR, CPH OPEN 2023/ The 1UP quarter pipes appeared again at the night event. Takeshi jumped around like a fish out of water, and the flames wants to burned him down./ ナイトイベントにまたもや出現したクォーターパイプ。水を得た魚の如く飛び跳ねるタケシとそれを焼き払う炎の饗宴。
MADONNA AIR, CPH OPEN 2023/ The 1UP quarter pipes appeared again at the night event. Takeshi jumped around like a fish out of water, and the flames wants to burned him down./ ナイトイベントにまたもや出現したクォーターパイプ。水を得た魚の如く飛び跳ねるタケシとそれを焼き払う炎の饗宴。 2023-06-16
Detail: Takeshi's face is illuminated by the flames. It is no longer the face he had when he was a kid.  / 炎に照らし出されるタケシの顔。幼かったあの頃のツラでは、もはやない。
Detail: Takeshi's face is illuminated by the flames. It is no longer the face he had when he was a kid. / 炎に照らし出されるタケシの顔。幼かったあの頃のツラでは、もはやない。 2023-06-16
Detail: 1UP and cameras./ 1UP とカメラたち。
Detail: 1UP and cameras./ 1UP とカメラたち。 2023-06-16


I watched video linked your instagram profile. In end roll of the film, there is a shot of note written "TRICK RECIPI" . Is it true?/ Instagramのプロフィール欄に貼ってあるビデオをみました。エンドロールで Trick recipi と書かれたノートが出てくるけど、あれって本物?


That's fake!/ 偽物です!!


Oh my G lol. Let's go to the next question. What is your favorite part of the skating event? / なんてこった笑。次の質問に行こう。スケートイベントの好きなところは?


We can show and surprise each other. And the skaters are the stars of the show! / かましあえるところ。そしてスケーターが主役であるところです!


On the other hand, what is the hardest part of a skate event? / 逆にスケートイベントの大変なところは?


It's the part what you try to greet everyone on your way out and it never ends.... / 帰り際全員に挨拶しにいこうとすると終わらないところですかね...。

STALEFISH AIR, CPH 2023 2023-06-16


Can you tell us about your future moves?/ 最後に、今後の動きについて教えてもらえるかな?


I will release video part in the next knthw video! By the end of the year!/ 次のknthwのビデオでパートを出します!年内予定です!


Finally, can you tell us 2 or 3 links to the videos that you can call them your own masterpieces? Thanks for taking your time!


An online skateboard zine by Nobuo Iseki.
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