photos & words by NOBUO ISEKI,
skate photo (Joseph's boardslide)by MAXIM VARRET
スケート写真を通して少しばかり昔を振り返る「YOU & ...」 シリーズ。
今回は、アパレルブランド ÖCTAGON の創立初期、
「 友達がやってる Öctagon ってスケートチームが東京に行くからアテンドしてあげてくれないか?」2014年、パリに住むフォトグラファー仲間から連絡があった。聞けばブランドを立ち上げたばかりで、ライダーについての情報はほとんど無く、ステイ先は新宿三丁目のディープなエリアらしい。どうなることやら...。
Reflecting on the past through skate photos in the "YOU & ..." series. This time, we look back on the Tokyo tour held in 2014 during the early days of the apparel brand ÖCTAGON.
"Hey, could you help out with attending this Öctagon skate team coming to Tokyo? A friend of mine is involved." That was the e-mail I got in 2014 from a photographer buddy living in Paris. Apparently, ÖCTAGON had just launched, with scarce info about the riders, and they were staying in some deep corner of Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku. There are a lot of party people and adult entertainments in this area. Crazy anyways .
We first met up with them in front of an apartment building tucked away in a narrow alley on the edge of Kabukicho. It felt kinda like an Airbnb for tourists visiting Japan. As you might guess, it had a slightly rough vibes, but that's all part of the adventure, right? It must've been pretty exciting for them... When it came to skating, we hit up some notable spots around Tokyo like Odaiba, Asakusa, Otemachi, Shinjuku, and more.
僕がアテンドする中で最もハードにスケートしていたチームの牽引役、ジョセフ・ビアス。レールもステアも幅広く対応して多くのフッテージと写真を残した。特に、この分離したハンドレールでの写真はフランスの地元スケートメディア SUGAR MAGAZINEのカバーを飾ったので、見たことがある読者もいることだろう。写真は彼らに帯同したフォトグラファー 、マックス(MAXIM VERRET)によるもの。ツアー終盤で狙いを定めた一枚だったようだ。
ちなみにジョセフは2024年現在、RASSVET SKATEBOARDS のプロライダーとして活躍している。
The driving force behind the team who skated the hardest while I was attending was Joseph Biais. He tried rails and stairs with versatility, leaving behind a ton of footage and photos. In particular, you might have seen a photo of him on this separated handrail gracing the cover of France's local skate media, SUGAR MAGAZINE, so some readers might recognize it. The photo was taken by the accompanying photographer, Max (MAXIM VERRET). It seems like it was a shot they aimed for towards the end of the tour.
By the way, as of 2024, Joseph is still killing it as a pro rider for RASSVET SKATEBOARDS.
来日するスケーターの多くが言う。「せっかく東京に来たんだから、夜中にスケートしたいぜ!」と。やはりスケートビデオで見る東京の、ネオン街を背景にしたフッテージが印象深いようだ。しかし...! 多くの場合、日中のスケートで手一杯だったり、暗い中でライトを焚いてスケートすることに慣れず、いまひとつバイブスが上がらない、というパターンが多い。VALはそのどちらでもなく、自ら選んだスポットと時間帯で着々とミッションをこなした。
2024年現在、VALもまたRASSVET SKATEBOARDSのライダーである。
Valentin, aka VAL, exudes a mysterious presence. Many skaters visiting Japan often say, "Since we're in Tokyo, let's skate at midnight!" Indeed, footage of Tokyo's neon streets as seen in skate videos leaves a lasting impression. However...! In many cases, they find themselves occupied with daytime skating or struggle to adjust to skating in the dark with lights, resulting in a lackluster vibe. VAL, on the other hand, isn't deterred by either scenario. He steadily completed his missions at spots and times he chooses himself.
As of 2024, VAL is also a rider for RASSVET SKATEBOARDS.
At the flat bar spot VAL discovered. He landed a boardslide across two separated rails simultaneously. It's a similar to the separated handrail boardslide by Joseph I mentioned earlier. Perhaps this front board later inspired Joseph... who knows?
A backside 180 by the team's big brother figure, Bram De Cleen. Whether there's a saying like "Where old cityscapes meet new cityscapes, there's a spot" – well, I don't know, but it's fitting here.
At the base of the famous building in Asakusa. The annoying fence blocking the approach. Joseph, demonstrating his remarkable adaptability, managed to pull off frontside lipslides. Let's forget Asakusa Temple, the houseboats, the rickshaws, and the Skytree too. Ignoring all the renowned tourist spots, what we aimed for was this weathered, slightly dirty rail... It's a truly sad reality.
PART 2に続く...。 To be continued...